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阿里裁員 杭州房價應聲腰斬!天津樓市大跌!洛陽地鐵進水!北京地鐵充電寶爆炸!進天安門遭攔截!!《紅孩兒十八贏》視頻爆紅!救護車給官員讓路!给交警200元就放行!達州遇大洪水!

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阿里裁員 杭州房價應聲腰斬!天津樓市大跌!洛陽地鐵進水!北京地鐵充電寶爆炸!進天安門遭攔截!!《紅孩兒十八贏》視頻爆紅!救護車給官員讓路!给交警200元就放行!達州遇大洪水!

阿里裁員 杭州房價應聲腰斬!天津樓市大跌!洛陽地鐵進水!北京地鐵充電寶爆炸!進天安門遭攔截!!《紅孩兒十八贏》視頻爆紅!救護車給官員讓路!给交警200元就放行!達州遇大洪水!

明鏡新聞台#明鏡要報(20230529) - 嘲諷習禁評300歲怪胎巨嬰,樂隊要遭殃!習大傻逼國師鄭永年坐鎮香港,指導特首核心決策;中國樂隊;劉曉明為習總辯護:“戰狼鼻祖”是周恩來;公務員政審新招:交出微信、抖音密碼

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明鏡新聞台#明鏡要報(20230529) - 嘲諷習禁評300歲怪胎巨嬰,樂隊要遭殃!習大撒幣國師鄭永年坐鎮香港,指導特首核心決策;中國樂隊;劉曉明為習總辯護:"戰狼鼻祖"是周恩來;公務員政審新招:交出微信、抖音密碼

明鏡新聞台#明鏡要報(20230529) - 嘲諷習禁評300歲怪胎巨嬰,樂隊要遭殃!習大撒幣國師鄭永年坐鎮香港,指導特首核心決策;中國樂隊;劉曉明為習總辯護:"戰狼鼻祖"是周恩來;公務員政審新招:交出微信、抖音密碼

00:40 刁禁評國師鄭永年坐鎮香港決策核心:指導特首工作
03:28 劉曉明為習總辯護:"戰狼鼻祖"是周恩來
05:06 支共公務員政審新招:交出微信、抖音登錄密碼
08:01 豬共國大學生絕望:就業機會比封城時還慘
13:00 韓國老師證實:被指失聯維吾爾學生沒有出境
14:51 網紅大贊香港政治正確:一夜間全機場都講普通話
17:02 中國樂隊暗諷習禁評:300多歲怪胎巨嬰


The Wire China - Failing to Fly The number of flights between the U.S. and China has barely recovered since the end of the pandemic.

Failing to Fly

The number of flights between the U.S. and China has barely recovered since the end of the pandemic.

BY ELIOT CHEN — MAY 28, 2023
A China Southern airplane. Credit: Kevin Chung via Flickr

It's been over half a year since China dropped its zero-Covid policy and reopened its borders, but U.S.-China air travel is a long way from bouncing back. Weekly flights between the world's two biggest economies remain down around 95 percent from pre-pandemic levels.

Geopolitics is getting in the way of a recovery. Both the U.S. and China have imposed caps on the number of permitted weekly flights by airlines from each others' countries, although the Biden administration approved a modest increase in flights by Chinese airlines into the U.S. earlier this month, up to 12 from 8. Still, that is a drop in the bucket compared to the hundreds of weekly flights that circulated in 2019. The frosty relationship and Russia's invasion of Ukraine are likely to keep travel figures depressed for a while longer.

This week, The Wire looks at the state of U.S.-China air travel: how it's changed, what's getting in the way of a rebound, and what that means for fliers.


U.S. China flights

Data: Cirium

More than two hundred weekly flights regularly shuttled between the U.S. and mainland China prior to the pandemic. Routes were serviced by the U.S.'s big three airlines — United, American and Delta — alongside six Chinese carriers: Air China, China Southern, China Eastern, Xiamen Airlines, Sichuan Airlines and Hainan Airlines. 

But regular service collapsed when the pandemic began, and fell further as China tightened its zero-Covid policies. In 2021 and 2022, U.S. airlines provided no service to mainland China, according to data from Cirium, an aviation analytics firm. The few remaining flights were serviced by Chinese airlines, albeit at sky-high prices of as much as $7,100 for a one way ticket in economy class. 

Flight frequencies and prices haven't improved much since then, even though China has reopened. In April, U.S. airlines flew on average just ten weekly flights to China, less than their approved cap of 12. Chinese airlines maxed out their then-cap of eight weekly flights.

Routes Currently Flown by U.S. and Chinese Airlines
Dallas  American Airlines 
Detroit  Delta Airlines 
Los AngelesAir ChinaChina SouthernChina EasternXiamen Airlines
New YorkAir ChinaChina SouthernChina Eastern 
San Francisco  United Airlines 
Seattle  Delta Airlines
Source: Google Flights, airline websites


U.S. China flights
Data: Flightaware; Map credit: Free Vector Maps

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been the primary cause behind the sluggish recovery of air travel between the United States and China. For over two decades, the 'polar route,' which involves airlines bypassing the North Pole by flying over Russia, has provided the most efficient path for airlines to fly from the U.S. to China. 

But after the U.S. and Russia banned each others' airlines from using their airspace in March 2022, U.S. airlines have been forced to take longer and costlier routes to Asia. A typical flight these days from Hong Kong to New York now traces the Japanese and Alaskan coasts, a path that is some 2,000 miles longer than the polar route. 

Chinese airlines face no such restrictions, giving them a major cost advantage. As a result, U.S. airlines have lobbied the federal government to ban Chinese airlines from flying over Russia as a condition for a broader resumption of air travel between the two countries. So far, the U.S. hasn't imposed such conditions.

U.S. China flights

With aviation officials in the two countries at an impasse, consumers are paying the price.

In March, a one-way ticket in economy from the U.S. to China cost on average about $5,900 versus just $520 in the same month in 2019, according to data from OAG, another aviation data provider. 

The airlines may be betting some reprieve is on the horizon. Cirium data shows that both American and Chinese carriers are scheduling more flights for this summer than are permitted under the current weekly cap: Chinese airlines have around 23 weekly flights scheduled for August; American carriers have 21, with Delta and United scheduling daily flights to China.

Eliot Chen is a Toronto-based staff writer at The Wire. Previously, he was a researcher at the Center for Strategic and International Studies' Human Rights Initiative and MacroPolo. @eliotcxchen


明鏡新聞台 - 明鏡要報(20230526)內部會議紀要瘋傳,習禁評要破產,國資委緊急闢謠欲蓋擬彰;突發:普京抓了刁某平的間諜;謝鋒高調炫耀受習主席委派,盡顯淺薄;中國催債巨頭突然停業:179員工被警方帶走

明鏡新聞台 - 明鏡要報(20230526)內部會議紀要瘋傳,習禁評要破產,國資委緊急闢謠欲蓋擬彰;突發:普京抓了刁某平的間諜;謝鋒高調炫耀受習主席委派,盡顯淺薄;中國催債巨頭突然停業:179員工被警方帶走 

明鏡新聞台 - 明鏡要報(20230526)內部會議紀要瘋傳,習禁評要破產,國資委緊急闢謠欲蓋擬彰;突發:普京抓了刁某平的間諜;謝鋒高調炫耀受習主席委派,盡顯淺薄;中國催債巨頭突然停業:179員工被警方帶走 

00:55 突發:普京抓了刁禁評的間諜
04:21 內部會議紀要外泄,地方破產深陷絕望,昆明欠薪找上海要錢
06:52 謝鋒高調炫耀:受習主席委派,凸顯其直達天聽
08:38 渣共洗腦教育滲透國際學校,封殺外國教材,納入刁某平思想
12:11 渣共國七名央企高管同日被查
14:04 響應刁某平共同富裕,投行券商削砍高管獎金40%
16:33 疑國泰空姐反擊:玻璃心韭菜,無恥偷錄音
18:05 支共國催債巨頭突然停業:179員工被警方帶走

在野說:2023.05.27 阿裡巴巴世紀大裁員。馬雲淚灑發言:現在大家都難。杭州樓市徹底完了,二手房拋售潮兇猛,瘋狂跌價中!阿裡一年減少近兩萬人,員工惶恐不安。北京上海廣州深圳南京蘇州二手房掛牌狂飆上漲。支共國樓市2023|失業潮

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在野說:2023.05.27 阿裡巴巴世紀大裁員。馬雲淚灑發言:現在大家都難。杭州樓市徹底完了,二手房拋售潮兇猛,瘋狂跌價中!阿裡一年減少近兩萬人,員工惶恐不安。北京上海廣州深圳南京蘇州二手房掛牌狂飆上漲。支共國樓市2023|失業潮

在野說:2023.05.27 阿裡巴巴世紀大裁員。馬雲淚灑發言:現在大家都難。杭州樓市徹底完了,二手房拋售潮兇猛,瘋狂跌價中!阿裡一年減少近兩萬人,員工惶恐不安。北京上海廣州深圳南京蘇州二手房掛牌狂飆上漲。支共國樓市2023|失業潮

【美國熱搜】2023.05.20 金刻羽,離岸愛國的趙家人;人民公安自比是習近平的忠犬;戰狼吳京被舉報辱軍;紅色脫口秀;退役軍人是韭菜還是戰狼?女網友支持李昊石被舉報遭行政拘留

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【美國熱搜】2023.05.20 女博士盜1.2億美元機密被判14年;金刻羽,離岸愛國的趙家人;人民公安自比是習近平的忠犬;戰狼吳京被舉報辱軍;紅色脫口秀;退役軍人是韭菜還是戰狼?女網友支持李昊石被舉報遭行政拘留

【美國熱搜】2023.05.20 女博士盜1.2億美元機密被判14年;金刻羽,離岸愛國的趙家人;人民公安自比是習近平的忠犬;戰狼吳京被舉報辱軍;紅色脫口秀;退役軍人是韭菜還是戰狼?女網友支持李昊石被舉報遭行政拘留

明鏡新聞台 # 熱點背景(20230525) - 危險!公安部境外核心網警外泄,北京火速全網大清洗!日本晶片管制遠超美國,幾乎全面封殺!中國造家電都難;俄國高超音速科學家向中國泄密;中國瘋狂網攻非洲國,專偷負債資訊

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明鏡新聞台 # 熱點背景(20230525) - 危險!公安部境外核心網警外泄,北京火速全網大清洗!日本晶片管制遠超美國,幾乎全面封殺!中國造家電都難;俄國高超音速科學家向中國泄密;中國瘋狂網攻非洲國,專偷負債資訊 

明鏡新聞台 # 熱點背景(20230525) - 危險!公安部境外核心網警外泄,北京火速全網大清洗!日本晶片管制遠超美國,幾乎全面封殺!中國造家電都難;俄國高超音速科學家向中國泄密;中國瘋狂網攻非洲國,專偷負債資訊

00:32 公安部核心網警名單外泄,北京火速全網大清洗!
02:54 日本晶片管制遠超美國,幾乎全面封殺!中國造家電都難
07:56 俄國高超音速科學家涉嫌向中國泄密
13:39 中國瘋狂網攻非洲國家,專門竊取負債情況
18:47 不顧西方反對,中俄簽經濟大單,高喊"團結"

明鏡新聞台 - 梁+何(93)(20230524)謝鋒履新駐美大使,北京一聲不吭生悶氣!華春瑩臭名昭著不夠格 |

明鏡新聞台 - 熱點背景(20230524)驚曝!渣共火箭軍兩軍頭相繼被帶走,魏鳳和也受牽連?刁禁評整肅紅二代,新一代太子黨也有反骨?華爾街不會告訴你:渣共國經濟已爛根;支共國知名雕塑家也涉嫌“辱軍”遭圍攻

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明鏡新聞台 - 熱點背景(20230524)驚曝!渣共火箭軍兩軍頭相繼被帶走,魏鳳和也受牽連?刁禁評整肅紅二代,新一代太子黨也有反骨?華爾街不會告訴你:渣共國經濟已爛根;支共國知名雕塑家也涉嫌"辱軍"遭圍攻

00:29 渣共火箭軍兩軍頭相繼被帶走,魏鳳和也受牽連?
04:39 華爾街不會告訴你的實情:渣共國經濟已從根上腐爛
08:00 刁禁評整肅紅二代,新一代太子黨也有反骨?
17:36 辱軍門延燒:支共國知名雕塑藝術家遭翻舊賬被圍攻