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Fwd: 辞职时再给你1万美元的公司



Tom Huddleston, Jr. 2016年03月28日





这家位于纽约的Adore Me公司,是一家成立于2011年的在线女用内衣零售商。据彭博社报道,该公司给少数离职的员工提供了1万美元的支票。一次是因为一名员工决定辞职去旅行,还有一次是有员工要移居到美国的另一个城市。所以,显然他们并不是要跳槽去维多利亚的秘密(Victoria's Secret)或者别的竞争对手那里。

那么,为什么没有更多Adore Me员工通过离职来获得这笔钱呢?

彭博社报道指出,这种离职支票只适用于特定情况,并不等于所有人在离职时都能拿到1万美元的分手费。Adore Me的首席执行官摩根•赫曼瓦其对彭博社表示,对于那些"为公司付出了许多努力和心血的员工"(即便其中有些将要离开),公司也善待他们,因此,这笔钱能激励一些员工留在这家非常重视员工的企业,与此同时,潜在员工在听到有这么慷慨的分手费以后,也可能受到吸引来到这家公司。

Adore Me给离职员工支票的策略在挽留和激励现有员工上究竟效果如何,目前尚不明确,更不用说它是否有助于吸引新人才。

实际上,Adore Me并不是第一家在提供员工福利上别出心裁的公司。



此外,信用卡支付初创公司Gravity Payments的首席执行官把员工的最低工资提高至每年7万美元,同时削减了自己工资。尽管有媒体质疑这是否是由于一桩诉讼所致,不过其确实得到了广泛的舆论关注。(财富中文网)


Usually, when you quit a job, you don't expect your former employer's parting gift to break the bank (if you get anything at all).

Well, at least some employees at one e-commerce startup have walked away with a nice chunk of change on their way to new opportunities.Bloomberg reports that online lingerie retailer Adore Me—founded in 2011 and based in New York—has handed a few departing employees a check for $10,000. In one case, an employee was leaving the company to spend time traveling, while another left to move across the country. So, it's not like they were leaving to work for a major competitor, like Victoria's Secret.

So, why aren't more Adore Me employees quitting to take advantage of the big payout? Bloomberg notes that the departure check is only provided on certain occasions, so there is no guarantee that leaving the company will come with a $10,000 parting gift. Adore Me's CEO, Morgan Hermand-Waiche, also told Bloomberg that the payouts provide an incentive to some employees to stay with a company that is so kind to workers who, the CEO says, "put in a lot of hard work and effort" (even those on their way out the door). Meanwhile, prospective employees may also be attracted to the company after hearing news of its generous parting gifts.

It's unclear how well Adore Me's strategy of handing out checks to former employees will work when it comes to retaining and inspiring current workers, much less whether it will help attract new talent.

The startup isn't the first to try getting innovative when it comes to pay perks. Earlier this year, e-commerce company Boxed created a non-profit to cover the college tuition of its employees' children, while clothing crowdfunding startup Betabrand has used rewards from its corporate credit cards to pay for employees' personal travel. There's also the widely covered story of credit-card processing startup Gravity Payments CEO, who raised the company's minimum wage to $70,000 while cutting his own salary (though, recently, the media has questioned whether that move may have been motivated by a lawsuit).

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