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After Donald Trump's election - News links

Homophobic hate crime predicted to skyrocket as Donald Trump wins US election

川普要断绝中国人移民之路 限制H1B 停发绿卡 取消出生公民权  http://www.nychinaren.com/f/page_viewtopic/t_158582.html


KKK celebrating Trump's election with victory parade

KKK of North Carolina Announces Donald Trump Victory Parade

Ku Klux Klan group plans North Carolina rally to celebrate Donald Trump's election victory  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/10/ku-klux-klan-group-plans-north-carolina-rally-to-celebrate-donal/

Rash of disturbing acts of racism reported in U.S. after Donald Trump wins U.S. election  http://globalnews.ca/news/3059918/rash-of-disturbing-acts-of-racism-reported-in-u-s-after-donald-trump-wins-u-s-election/

Chris Ball, Calgary Film Producer, Says Trump Supporters Attacked Him For Being Gay  http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/11/10/calgary-chris-ball-attacked-trump-supporters_n_12899072.html

Gay man attacked by Trump supporters on US election night  http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/gay-man-attacked-trump-supporters-us-election-night/

Former KKK leader David Duke: 'Our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!'  http://www.businessinsider.com/david-duke-kkk-trump-election-2016-11

This is what President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence will do to LGBT rights  http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/president-donald-trump-vice-president-mike-pence-will-lgbt-rights/

Opinion: Forget Donald, Mike Pence is the real danger  http://dailyhive.com/calgary/forget-donald-mike-pence-is-the-real-danger

Pence has made it easier to discriminate against the LGBTQ community

In 2015, he signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act allowing individuals or corporations to be able to cite religious beliefs for refusing, for example, to serve same-sex couples, wanted to ban marriage equality, and even signed a bill to jail same sex-couples for applying for a marriage license. He also feels that, instead of spending federal money on battling HIV, it should be spent on conversion therapy for gays seeking to change their sexual behaviour. This is the guy Americans elected for their VP, a man who thinks you can pray the gay away.

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