家族朋友所供照片中的维克多·刘和辛西娅·刘,他们是美国公民,但被禁止离开中国。 -
6月,当维克多·刘(Victor Liu)和辛西娅·刘(Cynthia Liu)及其母亲降落在中国一个热带岛屿去看望他们病重的祖父时,他们以为很快就会登上回到东海岸生活的飞机——他将在乔治敦大学开始二年级的学习,而她回到纽约麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey & Company)工作。
相反,几天之内,警察拘留了他们的母亲桑德拉·韩(Sandra Han),她和她的孩子一样是美国公民。警方把她移送到一个通常被称为"黑监狱"的秘密地点。子女们告诉美国官员和家庭成员,他们在机场发现无法离开中国,尽管警察说他们并未被调查或被指控犯罪。
美国高级外交官员已经用贸易和领土争端上的紧张局势与中国抗衡,他们谴责中国使用的出境限制措施是强制的、不透明的,也是对权利的侵犯。1月,美国国务院发布了旅行警告,称这种做法对在中国的外国人构成了风险。上个月,国务卿迈克·庞皮欧(Mike Pompeo)在访问中国期间批评了这些限制,本月他还在华盛顿的一次会议上向中国外交政策官员杨洁篪提到了刘氏家族。
这对姐弟已就该案向美国官员提出申诉,包括国家安全顾问约翰·R·博尔顿(John R. Bolton)。"调查官员已经非常明确地表示我弟弟和我都没有受到任何形式的调查,"27岁的辛西娅·刘在时报获取到的一封8月给博尔顿的信中写道。"我们被关押在这里,被当做一种残酷的人类抵押品,以诱使跟我没有联系的那个人返回中国,其中原因我完全不了解。"
周五,美国国务院发言人罗伯特·帕拉迪诺(Robert Palladino)在回答时报问题时表示,美国将继续表达对出境限制的关切,"直到我们看到一个透明且公平的程序"。
刘家母亲居住地的马萨诸塞州民主党人伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)参议员、爱德华·J·马基(Edward J. Markey)参议员和约瑟夫·P·肯尼迪三世(Joseph P. Kennedy III)众议员已敦促美国政府采取行动。
"出于对这些年轻美国人安全的关注,我们将不再做出公开评论,同时我们将继续努力与中国政府展开直接的、建设性的接触,以促成他们的回国,"代表刘家子女的博伊斯-席勒-弗勒克斯那律师事务所(Boies Schiller Flexner)的合伙人戴维·普雷斯曼(David Pressman)说。

纽约大学(New York University)法学教授孔杰荣(Jerome A. Cohen)说,"现在许多警方的行动都是在法律体系之外采取的,中国公民和外国人,尤其是那些曾经是中国公民的人,在没有明确的法律权限的情况下被限制在该国。"
2009年,《金融时报》报道,刘昌明逃离中国后,曾在伦敦参加广东置地投资有限公司(Canton Property Investment Ltd.)的股东大会。该公司在中国的子公司接受了那些非法贷款。该公司于2007年8月在伦敦上市,筹集了5000万美元,但在次年被摘牌。

韩女士是一家名为"Bountiful Success Trust — 2014"的实体的受托人,2016年,该实体在曼哈顿市中心购置了一套价值277万美元的公寓。她控制的另一家公司在上东区的楼盘露西达(Lucida)有一套房,Zillow对其估值为417万美元。
跟妈妈和姐姐一样,维克多·刘也对商业感兴趣;今年夏天,他跟一年级的室友努尔·达尔维什(Noor Darwish)在乔治敦的一户人家租了一间房,并在学校的捐赠办公室实习。但他于6月突然离开。他给达尔维什打电话说,他要离开美国。
学校强烈要求释放姐弟俩。乔治敦大学校长约翰·J·德乔亚(John J. DeGioia)本月访华期间会见了一些高级官员。与他同行的是麦艾文(Evan S. Medeiros)教授,他是奥巴马政府国家安全委员会(National Security Council)亚洲事务高级主任,曾参与促成朝鲜释放美国人质的谈判。
这所大学与中国领导层有着鲜为人知的关系。中国国家主席习近平的侄子最近刚刚从乔治敦大学外交学院(Georgetown's School of Foreign Service)毕业。在乔治敦期间,他还在布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)实习。
黄安伟(Edward Wong)是《纽约时报》驻华盛顿记者,曾任时报北京分社社长。
傅才德(Michael Forsythe)是《纽约时报》记者。
WASHINGTON — When Victor and Cynthia Liu landed with their mother on a tropical Chinese island in June to visit an ailing grandfather, they thought they would soon be on a plane back to their East Coast lives — he to start his sophomore year at Georgetown University, and she to work at the consulting firm McKinsey & Company in New York.
6月,当维克多·刘(Victor Liu)和辛西娅·刘(Cynthia Liu)及其母亲降落在中国一个热带岛屿去看望他们病重的祖父时,他们以为很快就会登上回到东海岸生活的飞机——他将在乔治敦大学开始二年级的学习,而她回到纽约麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey & Company)工作。
Instead, within days, police officers detained their mother, Sandra Han, who, like her children, is an American citizen. They moved her to a secret site, commonly known as a black jail. The children discovered at the airport that they could not leave China, even though the police had said they were not being investigated or charged with a crime, the children told American officials and family associates.
相反,几天之内,警察拘留了他们的母亲桑德拉·韩(Sandra Han),她和她的孩子一样是美国公民。警方把她移送到一个通常被称为"黑监狱"的秘密地点。子女们告诉美国官员和家庭成员,他们在机场发现无法离开中国,尽管警察说他们并未被调查或被指控犯罪。
By holding the family hostage, they said, the police are trying to force the siblings' father to return to China to face criminal charges. The father, Liu Changming, a former executive at a state-owned bank, is accused of being a central player in a $1.4 billion fraud case.
The children say their father severed ties with the family in 2012, but the Chinese authorities have still held them for months under a practice known as an exit ban — a growing tactic that has become the latest flash point in the increasingly rancorous relationship between the United States and China.
Senior American diplomats, already contending with tensions over trade and territorial disputes, have denounced the way China uses exit bans as coercive, opaque and a violation of rights. In January, the State Department issued a travel warning, saying the practice posed risks to foreigners in China. Last month, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized the bans during a visit to China, and this month he mentioned the Liu family to a top Chinese foreign policy official, Yang Jiechi, at a meeting in Washington.
The siblings have pleaded their case to American officials, including John R. Bolton, the national security adviser. "The investigative officers have made abundantly clear that neither my brother nor I am under any form of investigation," Ms. Liu, 27, wrote to Mr. Bolton in an August letter obtained by The New York Times. "We are being held here as a crude form of human collateral to induce someone with whom I have no contact to return to China for reasons with which I am entirely unfamiliar."
这对姐弟已就该案向美国官员提出申诉,包括国家安全顾问约翰·R·博尔顿(John R. Bolton)。"调查官员已经非常明确地表示我弟弟和我都没有受到任何形式的调查,"27岁的辛西娅·刘在时报获取到的一封8月给博尔顿的信中写道。"我们被关押在这里,被当做一种残酷的人类抵押品,以诱使跟我没有联系的那个人返回中国,其中原因我完全不了解。"
She made similar points in an email sent in recent days to a family associate, saying that "the Chinese authorities have been consistent that neither Victor nor I are accused of or suspected of any criminal activity," and that the authorities have repeatedly said that "the reason we are here is exclusively to lure" their father.
On Friday, in response to questions from The Times, a State Department spokesman, Robert Palladino, said the United States would continue expressing concern about exit bans "until we see a transparent and fair process."
周五,美国国务院发言人罗伯特·帕拉迪诺(Robert Palladino)在回答时报问题时表示,美国将继续表达对出境限制的关切,"直到我们看到一个透明且公平的程序"。
The Chinese Foreign Ministry defended the holding of the three family members, saying: "The people you mentioned all own legal and valid identity documents as Chinese citizens. Because they are suspected of economic crimes, they are restricted from exiting the country by the Chinese police in accordance with the law."
This account of the Liu family's plight is based on interviews with administration and congressional officials, university employees and family associates, as well as correspondence by the children to them and public records. There are currently a handful of exit-ban cases involving Americans, but this is the first one in which those with knowledge of it are making the details public.
It is also a rare instance in which one of those being held — Mr. Liu, 19 — was born in the United States. More often, China imposes exit bans, which can last from days to years, on naturalized foreign citizens who were born in China. Security officers often treat them as if they were still Chinese citizens, even though China does not recognize dual nationality.
The law in China states that its nationals automatically lose their citizenship when they gain citizenship in another country. It also says that someone like Mr. Liu who is born with citizenship from another nation is not a Chinese citizen, no matter the parents' citizenship.
The Liu family members all entered China on American passports, and the State Department is providing them with citizen services. The police from Guangzhou, the southern provincial capital where the father worked, have taken Ms. Han, 51, to a hotel several times to meet with an American consular officer.
Liu Changming, 53, the father, is among China's most-wanted fugitives, accused of helping to carry out one of the country's biggest bank frauds, in which $1.4 billion in illegal loans was issued to property developers. He fled the country in 2007.
In recent years, as the Chinese authorities have waged a fierce crackdown on corruption, they have increasingly viewed family members of corrupt officials as being tied to the illegal acts, with the police sometimes aiming to prosecute spouses.
The Liu family has lived with notable wealth in the United States, in part by acquiring real estate, though there is no indication from public records that the properties were purchased with the money that the father is accused of embezzling.
Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Edward J. Markey and Representative Joseph P. Kennedy III, Democrats from Massachusetts, where the mother lives, have urged the United States government to act.
刘家母亲居住地的马萨诸塞州民主党人伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)参议员、爱德华·J·马基(Edward J. Markey)参议员和约瑟夫·P·肯尼迪三世(Joseph P. Kennedy III)众议员已敦促美国政府采取行动。
"Our office is aware of Victor's, Cynthia's and Sandra's situations and is deeply concerned," Mr. Markey's office said in a statement. "We are working to secure their safe return and continue to be in touch with U.S. officials to ensure a positive outcome."
Purgatory With the Police
The Liu children are trapped in a situation far from their elite American lives. Both attended Groton, an expensive Massachusetts boarding school. Ms. Liu graduated from Stanford and Harvard Business School. The family has a $2.3 million house in a Boston suburb, and the mother, a businesswoman, controls or has her name on companies with real estate holdings worth at least $10 million, including two luxury apartments in Manhattan, according to public records.
Since June, the children have tried to leave China three times. They travel between cities, staying in hotels or with an uncle. Their ailing grandfather died in October. They limit their electronic communications because of suspected surveillance.
"Out of concern for the security of these young Americans, we will refrain from public comment as we continue our efforts to constructively and directly engage the Chinese government to allow them to return home," said David Pressman, a partner at the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner who is representing the Liu children.
"出于对这些年轻美国人安全的关注,我们将不再做出公开评论,同时我们将继续努力与中国政府展开直接的、建设性的接触,以促成他们的回国,"代表刘家子女的博伊斯-席勒-弗勒克斯那律师事务所(Boies Schiller Flexner)的合伙人戴维·普雷斯曼(David Pressman)说。
The Georgetown president met with the children this month in Beijing. Harvard has written to the Chinese ambassador in Washington. McKinsey is in touch with Ms. Liu. People tracking the case say they hope President Trump will raise the issue at the Group of 20 summit meeting this week in Argentina, where he and Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, are expected to meet.

China has convicted foreigners of crimes and even executed them. It has also detained Muslims who are foreign citizens in its northwest internment camp system. The exit bans are different — the authorities do not keep the people at a detention site or present a legal justification. They use the ban mainly as a means of coercion: to squeeze out information, to compel a relative or friend to return to China, or to force the victim to settle a business dispute.
In one case, an American stayed in China under an exit ban for more than two years. A continuing case involves a Singaporean national working for UBS, the Swiss bank, which has prompted UBS to issue travel warnings to its employees.
"Many police actions are now taken outside the legal system, and both Chinese citizens and foreigners, especially those who used to be Chinese citizens, have been kept in China with no apparent legal authority," said Jerome A. Cohen, a law professor at New York University.
纽约大学(New York University)法学教授孔杰荣(Jerome A. Cohen)说,"现在许多警方的行动都是在法律体系之外采取的,中国公民和外国人,尤其是那些曾经是中国公民的人,在没有明确的法律权限的情况下被限制在该国。"
China's increasing use of the practice is a result of major trends: a growing disregard for civil rights among Chinese security forces; a sweeping anti-corruption campaign started by Mr. Xi in 2012; and a rush among corrupt officials and executives to move overseas with their families. In 2014, China announced the start of a global campaign to hunt down fugitive former officials.
Many of the former officials live overseas in luxury, with new names and citizenship. China has sent secret agents to the United States to try to retrieve some. China has also asked the United States to send back former officials, but the two countries do not have an extradition treaty.
American officials have been reluctant to cooperate because of China's human rights abuses and lack of rule of law, though there have been exceptions — including the repatriation of a former vice mayor accused of stealing $39 million.
The 'Naked Official'
In 2007, Chinese auditors closed in on what was becoming the country's biggest bank fraud case. Liu Changming fled China that December, state media reported. The top official at the Guangzhou branch of the Bank of Communications, he was at the center of the case.
Officials charged him in 2008 with making illegal loans of about 9.8 billion yuan, or $1.4 billion, including some to a company he secretly controlled, according to Caixin, a financial newsmagazine. Officials convicted Mr. Liu's co-conspirators but recovered only half of the money.
In 2015, China put Mr. Liu on its "Skynet" list of 100 most-wanted fugitives. Interpol issued a "red notice" for his arrest. His whereabouts are unknown.
The Financial Times reported in 2009 that after escaping China, Mr. Liu took part in shareholder meetings in London for Canton Property Investment Ltd., a company whose Chinese subsidiaries received the illegal loans. The company had gone public in London in August 2007and raised $50 million, but was delisted the next year.
2009年,《金融时报》报道,刘昌明逃离中国后,曾在伦敦参加广东置地投资有限公司(Canton Property Investment Ltd.)的股东大会。该公司在中国的子公司接受了那些非法贷款。该公司于2007年8月在伦敦上市,筹集了5000万美元,但在次年被摘牌。
Public records show that a person named Changming Liu is linked to a home in Chestnut Hill, Mass. The address matches the one Cynthia Liu lists on her Harvard alumni page. The home is owned by Sandra Han, the mother. Zillow, the real estate website, estimates its value at $2.3 million.

A company controlled by Ms. Han bought the home in 2009. Several real estate companies, trusts and limited liability corporations are registered to that address, and they in turn own rental properties in Massachusetts and luxury apartments in New York.
While Mr. Liu was moving up the ranks of China's banking bureaucracy, he became what the Chinese call a "naked official" — someone who settles his family abroad, with relatively easy paths to foreign citizenship and well-regarded schools, and with the Chinese authorities an ocean away.
The mother and daughter moved to California in 1998, and by early the next year they lived in a condominium in Alhambra, a Los Angeles suburb popular with Chinese immigrants. In June 1999, Mr. Liu and his wife bought a three-bedroom home in nearby Arcadia. Records show they obtained Social Security numbers in California around this time.
Their son Victor was born in California that July. He later lived in southern Chinese cities for five years, leaving Guangzhou in 2007.
The couple sold the Arcadia home in 2004 and bought a house in a gated community in Armonk, N.Y., an affluent town, records show. The home was transferred to Cynthia Liu's name in 2011 and sold in 2014 for almost $900,000.
Ms. Han is a trustee of an entity called Bountiful Success Trust — 2014, which bought a $2.77 million condominium in downtown Manhattan in 2016. Another company she controls owns a unit at the Lucida on the Upper East Side that Zillow values at $4.17 million.
Like his mother and sister, Victor Liu is interested in business, and he rented a room this summer with Noor Darwish, his first-year roommate, in a Georgetown home to do an internship at his university's endowment office. But he left suddenly in June. He called Mr. Darwish as he was leaving the country.
跟妈妈和姐姐一样,维克多·刘也对商业感兴趣;今年夏天,他跟一年级的室友努尔·达尔维什(Noor Darwish)在乔治敦的一户人家租了一间房,并在学校的捐赠办公室实习。但他于6月突然离开。他给达尔维什打电话说,他要离开美国。
"He told me he had some family problems, and that his grandfather had had a heart attack," Mr. Darwish said.
The university has strongly pushed for the siblings' release. On his trip to China this month, the Georgetown president, John J. DeGioia, met with senior officials. With him was Evan S. Medeiros, a professor who had helped negotiate releases of American hostages in North Korea as senior Asia director in President Barack Obama's National Security Council.
学校强烈要求释放姐弟俩。乔治敦大学校长约翰·J·德乔亚(John J. DeGioia)本月访华期间会见了一些高级官员。与他同行的是麦艾文(Evan S. Medeiros)教授,他是奥巴马政府国家安全委员会(National Security Council)亚洲事务高级主任,曾参与促成朝鲜释放美国人质的谈判。
The university has a little-known connection to China's leadership. A nephew of Mr. Xi, China's president, is a recent graduate of Georgetown's School of Foreign Service. While at Georgetown, he also interned at the Brookings Institution.
这所大学与中国领导层有着鲜为人知的关系。中国国家主席习近平的侄子最近刚刚从乔治敦大学外交学院(Georgetown's School of Foreign Service)毕业。在乔治敦期间,他还在布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)实习。
None of that has helped. With winter break looming, Mr. Liu's friends on campus are asking why he has been absent all semester. "Our room is a lot lonelier now," Mr. Darwish said.
In China, Mr. Liu has been eating and sleeping poorly. His sister mentioned concerns about her own health in her letter to the White House. She wrote, "We feel alone, angry, and most of all afraid, and more than anything, we just want to come home."
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