
中國的做法在澳洲尤為明顯,它與中國的貿易推動了全球持續時間最長的經濟繁榮。澳洲情報機構已對北京的努力發出了警告,對澳洲保守派總理史考特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)來說,這個問題很可能會引發爭議。莫里森在上週六在大選中意外獲勝。

「中國在這裡有很多需要澄清的事情,」塔斯馬尼亞大學(University of Tasmania)研究中國問題的學者韓馬克(Mark Harrison)說。

「沒有任何一個國家的工商界和安全部門之間有如此深刻的分歧,」總部位於雪梨的非營利政策組織中國事務(China Matters)的創始主任琳達·雅各布森(Linda Jakobson)說。
2009年,澳洲政府拒絕了一家中國國有企業收購英澳礦業巨頭力拓公司(Rio Tinto)18%股份的投標,之前,澳洲官員私下裡認為,這筆交易將賦予中國太多的定價權。
中國官員和投資者「向澳洲的有關高管施加了壓力」,時任澳洲總理的陸克文(Kevin Rudd)在接受採訪時回憶說。「那個階段的全部想法就是讓商業遊說團體最大化地向政府施壓。」

「他們要的是對中國的利益先發制人地做出讓步,」澳洲外交貿易部前部長彼得·瓦爾蓋塞(Peter Varghese)說。
批評人士說,一個突出的例子是澳中關係研究所(Australia-China Relations Institute)。這家位於雪梨的研究機構直到最近一直由前外交部長鮑伯·卡爾(Bob Carr)領導。卡爾直言不諱地維護中國的立場。這個研究所是由中國房地產開發商黃向默捐錢成立的,黃向默曾向澳洲的主要政黨慷慨解囊。
雪梨和墨爾本報紙《看中國》(Vision China Times)的母公司總經理馬瑪雷(Maree Ma,音)說,因為該報的批評報導,中國官員曾經在2015年2016年成功向企業施壓,要求他們撤下廣告。

23年前,唐詠北跟隨從事電氣工程師工作的丈夫搬到了澳洲,定居在塔斯馬尼亞州首府霍巴特,她在那裡開始編輯一份名為《塔州華人報》(Chinese News Tasmania)的報紙。去年,她競選市議會議員。
唐詠北還出力在本地開設了澳洲中國和平統一促進會(Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China)的分會,該組織宣揚北京方面的立場,即台灣是中國的一部分。該組織由黃向默創建,就是那位居留資格遭撤銷的政治捐贈者,澳洲的情報官員稱,這個組織參與了中國在海外施加影響力的行動。
當地綠黨(Greens Party)領袖卡西·奧康納(Cassy O\'Connor)指責她在參與北京方面的行動,要在塔斯馬尼亞旅遊業和房地產投資中形成絕對優勢。她說:「中國政府實際上選擇了像塔斯馬尼亞這樣經濟規模較小的州下手。」
Damien Cave是時報澳洲雪梨分社社長。他曾自墨西哥城、哈瓦那、貝魯特和巴格達報導新聞。自2004年加入時報以來,他擔任過美國新聞副主編、邁阿密分社長和本地新聞記者。
SYDNEY, Australia — In a gold-curtained meeting room in Sydney, the Chinese consul general appealed to a closed-door gathering of about 100 people, all of them Australian residents and citizens of Chinese ancestry.
He called on the group to help shape public opinion during a coming visit of China's prime minister, Li Keqiang, in part by reporting critics to the consulate. Rallies in support of China should be coordinated, he suggested, and large banners should be unfurled to block images of protests against Beijing.
"We are not troops, but this task is a bit like the nature of troops," said the diplomat, Gu Xiaojie, according to a recording of the session in the consulate obtained by The New York Times and verified by a person who was in the room. "This is a war," he added, "with lots of battles."
The previously unreported meeting in March 2017 is an example of how the Chinese government directly — and often secretly — engages in political activity in Australia, making the nation a laboratory for testing how far it can go to steer debate and influence policy inside a democratic trade partner.
It is a calculated campaign unlike any other Australia has faced — taking advantage of the nation's openness, growing ethnic Chinese population and economic ties to China — and it has provoked an uncomfortable debate about how Australia should respond.
Many countries face the same challenge from China, an authoritarian power pushing its agenda inside and beyond its borders.
In Asia, China has been accused of funneling funds to the campaigns of preferred presidential candidates in Malaysia and Sri Lanka. In the United States, there is concern about Beijing's efforts to stifle dissent on college campuses. And in Europe, Chinese companies and organizations tied to the ruling Communist Party have held events for political leaders and donated millions of dollars to universities.
China once sought to spread Marxist revolution around the world, but its goal now is more subtle — winning support for a trade and foreign policy agenda intended to boost its geopolitical standing and maintain its monopoly on power at home.
The contours of its playbook are especially visible in Australia, where trade with China has fueled the world's longest economic boom. Australian intelligence agencies have warned of Beijing's efforts, and the issue is likely to be contentious for Australia's conservative prime minister, Scott Morrison, who won a surprise victory in elections Saturday.
中國的做法在澳洲尤為明顯,它與中國的貿易推動了全球持續時間最長的經濟繁榮。澳洲情報機構已對北京的努力發出了警告,對澳洲保守派總理史考特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)來說,這個問題很可能會引發爭議。莫里森在上週六在大選中意外獲勝。

Representatives of the Chinese government routinely lobby Australian politicians behind closed doors without disclosing their activities, often by threatening economic punishment and persuading Australian business and academic leaders to deliver their message.
The Chinese government and its supporters have also sought to suppress criticism and elevate its views in the Australian news media, by suing journalists and publishers for defamation, financing research institutes and using advertisers to put pressure on Chinese-language outlets.
Beijing has even promoted political candidates in Australia with these outlets as well as via the United Front Work Department, the party's arm for dealing with overseas Chinese, and — according to some assessments — with campaign contributions made by proxies.
Last year, after a scandal involving donors with ties to Beijing forced a senator to resign, Parliament approved an overhaul of espionage lawsmaking it illegal to influence Australian politics for a foreign government.
Australia's new government — led by Mr. Morrison, who has been vague about his plans for foreign policy — must now decide what to do next at a time when the public is divided: Many Australians fear China but also favor good relations to maintain economic growth and regional stability.
"There is a lot to unravel with the China story here," said Mark Harrison, a China scholar at the University of Tasmania.
「中國在這裡有很多需要澄清的事情,」塔斯馬尼亞大學(University of Tasmania)研究中國問題的學者韓馬克(Mark Harrison)說。
The Communist Party, he said, is essentially trying to enforce the same bargain with Australia that it has with the Chinese people: a promise of prosperity in exchange for obedience and censorship.

Weaponized Economics
China's economic bonds with Australia can be traced to the 19th century, when a gold rush drew Chinese immigrants to the continent. Now, China is an engine of economic growth for the country and its largest trading partner by far, accounting for 24 percent of Australian imports and exports.
With that reliance comes an implied threat: China can take its money elsewhere.
The problem, current and former Australian officials say, is the Chinese government rarely discloses its lobbying activities. Australian businesses linked to China often lean on politicians without public scrutiny, leading security agencies to warn about Beijing manipulating politics.
"In no country is there such a profound rift between business community and security," said Linda Jakobson, founding director of China Matters, a nonprofit policy group based in Sydney.
「沒有任何一個國家的工商界和安全部門之間有如此深刻的分歧,」總部位於雪梨的非營利政策組織中國事務(China Matters)的創始主任琳達·雅各布森(Linda Jakobson)說。
Critics say China has exploited that rift — and even tried to use its economic leverage to punish Australia for adopting the new law requiring those working on behalf of a "foreign principal" to register their activities.
In June, Australian winemakers said they were facing problems with their exports to China, and a major deal to expand chilled beef exports into China — negotiated during Mr. Li's visit — stalled. In January and February, China also delayed coal imports from Australia at some ports.
Beijing denied any effort to punish Australia, and Australian politicians have brushed off these disputes. But it hardly the first time Beijing blurred the lines between business and politics.
In 2009, the Australian government rejected a bid by a Chinese state-owned firm to purchase 18 percent of Rio Tinto, the Anglo-Australian mining giant, after officials argued privately that the sale would give China too much power to set prices.
2009年,澳洲政府拒絕了一家中國國有企業收購英澳礦業巨頭力拓公司(Rio Tinto)18%股份的投標,之前,澳洲官員私下裡認為,這筆交易將賦予中國太多的定價權。
Beijing's response was an early version of what has since become common in the relationship: a campaign to pressure the Australian government via China's business partners.
Chinese officials and investors "put the weights on the relevant Australian executives," Kevin Rudd, the prime minister at the time, recalled in an interview. "The whole idea at that stage was to maximize business lobby pressure on the government."
中國官員和投資者「向澳洲的有關高管施加了壓力」,時任澳洲總理的陸克文(Kevin Rudd)在接受採訪時回憶說。「那個階段的全部想法就是讓商業遊說團體最大化地向政府施壓。」
Silencing Dissent

In May 2018, two children in Rockhampton, a rural capital of beef production, painted tiny Taiwanese flags on a statue of a bull during an event celebrating the town's diversity. There were flags from many countries, but the local government painted over those from Taiwanto avoid offending Beijing, which says the self-governing island is part of China.
"What they want are pre-emptive concessions to Chinese interests," said Peter Varghese, a former head of Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
「他們要的是對中國的利益先發制人地做出讓步,」澳洲外交貿易部前部長彼得·瓦爾蓋塞(Peter Varghese)說。
Analysts say Beijing tries both to suppress speech in Australia that undercuts its priorities — such as the diplomatic isolation of Taiwan — and to promote its own agenda.
Critics say one prominent example is the Australia-China Relations Institute, a research organization in Sydney led until recently by Bob Carr, a former foreign minister and outspoken defender of China's positions. The institute was established with a gift from Huang Xiangmo, a Chinese real-estate developer who had donated generously to both of Australia's main political parties.
批評人士說,一個突出的例子是澳中關係研究所(Australia-China Relations Institute)。這家位於雪梨的研究機構直到最近一直由前外交部長鮑伯·卡爾(Bob Carr)領導。卡爾直言不諱地維護中國的立場。這個研究所是由中國房地產開發商黃向默捐錢成立的,黃向默曾向澳洲的主要政黨慷慨解囊。
Australia recently rejected his citizenship application and revoked his residency, despite his denials of having acted on behalf of the Communist Party.
China has also had success shaping news coverage in Australia, especially in Chinese-language outlets.
Maree Ma, general manager of the company that owns Vision China Times, a newspaper in Sydney and Melbourne, said Chinese officials successfully pressured businesses in 2015 and 2016 to pull their ads because of its critical coverage.
雪梨和墨爾本報紙《看中國》(Vision China Times)的母公司總經理馬瑪雷(Maree Ma,音)說,因為該報的批評報導,中國官員曾經在2015年2016年成功向企業施壓,要求他們撤下廣告。
And before Saturday's election, on WeChat — the Chinese social media platform, which is also popular in Australia — accounts affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party mocked the conservative government, disparaging Australia as "a country whose head has been kicked hard by kangaroos."
English-language outlets are not immune to the pressure. In 2017, one of Australia's largest independent publishers delayed publication of a book examining Chinese influence in Australian institutions.
Because Australian law favors plaintiffs in defamation suits, some say such cases — including a large payout in February to Chau Chak Wing, a Chinese-born property tycoon and political donor — have had a chilling effect on reporting and public protesting that might anger Beijing or its allies.
At the Chinese consulate in 2017, organizers showed photos of pro-China activists in Australia roughing up protesters from the Falun Gong spiritual movement, which is banned in China.
The audience applauded.
Running for Office

China's playbook prioritizes one particular group: Australia's growing ethnic Chinese population, a diverse group of more than one million people, about half of whom are immigrants from mainland China.
At times, the Chinese government treats Australian citizens of Chinese ancestry as if they're still subject to its rule. Critics of Beijing are often pressured. In January, Yang Hengjun, an Australian writer and former Chinese official, was arrested on dubious charges of espionage while visiting China.
More often, Beijing tries to woo people like Yongbei Tang.
Ms. Tang moved to Australia 23 years ago with her husband, an electrical engineer, settling in Hobart, the capital of Tasmania, where she started editing a newspaper called Chinese News Tasmania. Last year, she ran for the City Council.
23年前,唐詠北跟隨從事電氣工程師工作的丈夫搬到了澳洲,定居在塔斯馬尼亞州首府霍巴特,她在那裡開始編輯一份名為《塔州華人報》(Chinese News Tasmania)的報紙。去年,她競選市議會議員。
"All the people in the community know me," she said, when asked why. "I'm a media person. Influential."
Ms. Tang had also helped start a local chapter of the Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China, which promulgates Beijing's position that Taiwan is part of China. The group was established by Mr. Huang, the donor whose residency was revoked, and Australian intelligence officials say it is an arm of the party's overseas influence efforts.
唐詠北還出力在本地開設了澳洲中國和平統一促進會(Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China)的分會,該組織宣揚北京方面的立場,即台灣是中國的一部分。該組織由黃向默創建,就是那位居留資格遭撤銷的政治捐贈者,澳洲的情報官員稱,這個組織參與了中國在海外施加影響力的行動。
That connection and others made Ms. Tang, an Australian citizen, a subject of intense debate during the campaign, which she lost. Several local Chinese leaders published an open letter condemning her "hiding of titles of many organizations including her association with the Chinese Government."
Cassy O'Connor, the leader of the local Greens Party, accused her of being part of an attempt by Beijing to dominate the Tasmanian tourism and property investment. "The Chinese government actually picks off smaller states like Tasmania, with smaller economies," she said.
當地綠黨(Greens Party)領袖卡西·奧康納(Cassy O\'Connor)指責她在參與北京方面的行動,要在塔斯馬尼亞旅遊業和房地產投資中形成絕對優勢。她說:「中國政府實際上選擇了像塔斯馬尼亞這樣經濟規模較小的州下手。」
Ms. Tang denied any ties to the party. "The only wrongdoing I did was to put my hand up, wishing to add a different voice to the Hobart City Council," she said.
What Ms. Tang actually reveals, analysts say, is the party's ability to recruit sympathizers around the world, many of whom gravitate to Beijing's orbit less because of ideology than the potential for wealth and influence. Even after her loss, she received favorable coverage on state television in China.
For many, Australian politics has become an increasingly valuable option — one of many ways to potentially benefit from Chinese power and prosperity.
"We are no longer the sick man of East Asia," said one business leader at the consulate meeting in 2017. "We Chinese stand tall."
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