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川總發話了:WHO拿的大部分是美國的錢,卻對中共言聽計從。這是為啥呢?我們要好好查一查。 為啥WHO會聽中共的話? 很簡單,美國的錢是撥給WHO公家帳號的,與WHO工作人員沒有直接的利益關係;而中共的錢是直接打入WHO工作人員的私人帳號的,且中共手還捏著WHO工作人員收錢、嫖妓、戀童等等見不得光的證據,直握著人性的軟肋。想想看,譚得賽們的金錢、利益、聲譽、前途都被中共掌控在手心中,它們能敢不聽中共的差遣嗎?


Positive Step!
Flag of United States
Senators call on UN to remove China
Flag of China
from the UN Human Rights Panel. The sheer ridiculousness of this situation plays against china's asymmetric warfare ambitions within global institutions.
The UN
Flag of United Nations
has become the world's worst joke. China's communist government tramples on the rights of their own citizens by the millions and now THEY sit on the UNHC panel?!??
Flag of United States
SHOULD defund the UN. It's been neutered by China(think WHO).

No joke: #China joins U.N. Human Rights Council panel, where it will help select the U.N.'s next world monitors on freedom of speech, enforced disappearances & arbitrary detention ~ and on health. That's like making a pyromaniac into the town fire chief.

I joined today to discuss why America must now fundamentally reset our relationship with China. Our over~reliance on China is beyond doubt. America is DONE being held hostage by foreign nations. We must become independent again, and my plan will get us there.

習禁評說要不忘初衷,要守住共產黨的家業,周強立即跟進,在最高法院說:我們堅決不搞民主選舉,司法獨立那一套。看了下面的小片,又多一層解讀:中國人根深蒂固的"出人頭地""祖墳青煙""人上人""指點江山"........ 在民主社會全部蕩然無存!所以嘗到集權甜頭的人會本能的反對民主制度。這只是一個層面


Trump blasts world health group, defends early virus steps

我不相信阴谋论,但这是实锤:这是班农采访前里根和布什政府内阁成员Jeremiah O'Keeffe,他们披露了一份重要文件,这份文件让英国在24小时内改变立场,认为病毒来自武汉病毒实验室,而不是中共编造的海鲜市场。恐怖的是,2月5日在网上公布这份文件之后,那名教授已经失踪

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