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1. 有经商背景和经验
2. 净资产至少160万加元
3. 在加拿大进行80万加元的安全投资


Federal Immigrant Investor Program

CIC has announced that as of July 1, 2011, the number of
Federal Immigrant Investor applications accepted for
processing will be capped at 700 for the coming 12 months.
Canadian financial institutions, which act as facilitators in this program,
are reporting that applicants will be required to submit government processing fees, a copy
of their passport, and completed simplified forms to the
Centralized Intake Office in Sydney, Nova Scotia.
All other supporting documents will be required at a later stage of
the processing.

To qualify for the Federal Immigrant Investor Program, applicants must

• Prior business experience;
• A minimum net worth of C$1,600,000 CAN; and
• Make a C$800,000 CAN secured investment.

"Given the demand for this program, especially from
Chinese nationals, we expect
this imposed cap limit
to be reached extremely quickly… probably within
a matter of days,"
says Attorney David Cohen. "
Applicants should keep in mind that
Quebec has its own Immigrant Investor Program which could be
a great option for applicants who cannot submit under the Federal
Investor Program as Quebec will be increasing the number of
applications accepted under its program."

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