评论内容 2011.06.29 17:31:51 我就说怎么跟中国国情如此如此的相像。看看吧!外国人都看透了中国国情。醒醒吧!- lyver 2011.06.29 17:22:20 人民会用脚投票- fangyang29 2011.06.29 15:41:33 我们要工作10到20年才能买得起一套公寓,要工作五年才能买得起一辆车。没有升职机会。想要创办自己的企业非常难。每年的贷款利率高达20-30%,整个体制监管得非常严格。最保险的工作是为政府做事======================== 怎么这么熟悉,感觉好像说的是天朝 - 好像是天朝 2011.06.29 13:39:38 呵呵,我也想离开天朝了- raulganseles 2011.06.29 13:20:40 俄罗斯人太可恶了,竟然含沙射影我天朝。- ridgecarl 2011.06.29 13:13:51 这些经济社会文化的因素不是在说中国吗?- sunnyflower2008 2011.06.29 11:52:15 我们要工作10到20年才能买得起一套公寓,要工作五年才能买得起一辆车。没有升职机会。想要创办自己的企业非常难。每年的贷款利率高达20-30%,整个体制监管得非常严格。最保险的工作是为政府做事,但我已经做过了,不想再做了。- chnimabi 2011.06.29 11:52:10 都是它们的错!它们的幽灵还在作怪!- zygm1 2011.06.29 11:14:13 哇哦,俄罗斯老大哥的hard模式,有些地方和偶们真像啊。- elysiumsky 2011.06.29 10:42:26 难道天朝就没这种趋势嘛?- hvdwang 2011.06.29 10:32:31 别看了 说的就是咱中国,真的是"兄弟国家",有钱就去西方国家享受吧,趁活着。- Ruki 2011.06.29 10:23:08 我想,当有一天中国成为一个真正自由、民主、法治的国家时,就是大批国人回家的时候。- 自由之树 2011.06.29 10:20:24 我爱祖国,可祖国爱我吗?- 苦恋 2011.06.29 10:07:08 工作10到20年就能买得到一套公寓已经算不错了,中国人得用一辈子去买租期50到70年的面积小得可怜的房子。- 中国更惨 2011.06.29 10:05:32 希望西方国家不要放弃这些为了自由和尊严而移民的年轻人,不论是俄罗斯的还中国的!- qinfei 2011.06.29 10:02:51 咦,这个女的是高举着iPhone呢吗?- nokia 2011.06.29 09:20:45 喜欢这样的幽默!也不容易被封杀- ESCAPE 2011.06.29 08:49:31 祖国象父母如不给你自由,你就想离开它- -尊严 2011.06.29 06:40:18 要么忍,要么狠,是不是该行动了- mephistocy 2011.06.29 05:51:04 呵呵真的是中国的模样 - 的确 2011.06.29 02:12:42 鞑子搞不了民主- rh 2011.06.29 01:57:20 中国也好不到哪去。。。- soulwyb 2011.06.29 01:33:07 指桑骂槐呢?- dnase 2011.06.29 01:13:07 国家资本主义的特色而已,经济基础决定上层建筑,怎样的经济结构决定了怎样的政治结构!- Kiddo.Lau 2011.06.28 23:38:17 唱完中国唱俄罗斯,呵呵 你们懂得- mikehill 2011.06.28 23:28:47 中国过之- dhyb6 2011.06.28 23:15:11 政府控制了电视新闻,这些节目从不批评普京或德米特里•梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)。电视上说西方国家是我们的敌人。- 嗯 2011.06.28 23:04:32 说实话,我现在赚钱、攒钱,就是为了有一天,去别的国度,感受一下不一样政治制度下的自由生活- phmila 2011.06.28 22:48:08 在 中国连做人的基本权利(没有独立司法保障等)都没有,不走等着被"共产共妻"么?俄罗斯至少有捍卫国家主权的勇气,大家想想看最近的南海局势和央视等媒体 都在说些什么就知道中国这个国家已在俄罗斯之下!奉劝大家有实力的早点离开中国吧!这个国家不爱民众,民众也不用爱这个国家。- ftdvai 2011.06.28 22:30:39 想起我在美国遇到的那个90年代移民从俄罗斯移民美国同事,他一见到我就说,在这里随便说吧,我能理解,因为我原来就是从那样的国家出来的,现在的俄罗斯还是和原来一样……- 同病相怜的人 2011.06.28 22:28:57 天朝更甚吧- V5 2011.06.28 21:47:18 天朝的教育做得很好,让臣民没那么感觉痛心,不过和俄罗斯也相去不远了!- cyh 2011.06.28 21:40:45 在中国想在大城市买套房子得多少年?- eagle_sky 2011.06.28 21:32:22 中国可能还不如俄罗斯吧,金砖四国里俄罗斯工资最高,中国最低- hprvsn 2011.06.28 21:30:07 这么赤裸的指桑骂槐……- sherily 2011.06.28 21:07:16 把全部俄罗斯三字替换成天朝也差不多。- billycui 2011.06.28 20:54:27 如果我有机会,我也会选择出国。- rsjdf 2011.06.28 20:30:32 俄国的状况让天朝人民情何以堪啊~~买车买房。。。- nakazawa 2011.06.28 20:27:56 原来俄罗斯房价也这么高啊,可真是"兄弟国家"啊- Ilove+WSJ 2011.06.28 20:07:02 是俄罗斯还是中国有关系么? 两国不都是一回事,说哪个都一样, 一样的政治体制就已经决定了- phoenixww 2011.06.28 20:01:20 俄罗斯俄和我大哥一模一样,我声明我不是无毛,我是五毛- tanggc2009 2011.06.28 19:55:41 中国也差不多~- 中国让人伤心 2011.06.28 18:19:45 有才走遍天下,无才寸步难行,每个人都有各自的向往。- ZHCIKE 2011.06.28 18:14:29 盖兹说,"我们要工作10到20年才能买得起一套公寓,要工作五年才能买得起一辆车。没有升职机会。想要创办自己的企业非常难。每年的贷款利率高达20-30%,整个体制监管得非常严格。最保险的工作是为政府做事,但我已经做过了,不想再做了。"跟中国这么想象 - liushuijin 2011.06.28 18:07:09 看完后有三点体会,一是经历上世纪90年代的民主变革,俄罗斯的民主化进程不大;二是俄罗斯当今的社会和中国何其相似,严格的社会管制、贫富两极分化,缺乏公平和正义,更要命的是中国还普遍道德沦丧;三是如果我们经历民主变革的话,能不能不俄罗斯做的更好。- 尤拉 2011.06.28 18:06:36 中国还没搞完,又看上了俄罗斯。人的天性---搞来搞去。- GUSHOU 2011.06.28 18:06:21 其实不尽然的,如果你在自己的祖国都混得不好,你以为跑到人生地不熟的异国他乡就能风生水起了? 二、三十岁人别太幼稚了,小心上了理想主义的当。 即使外国生活不怎么好,最少有思想上自由和言论自由,对自身的财产也有比较完善的保障,那像俄罗斯境内一样,政府可以因为政治理由而随随便便接收你辛苦大半辈子经营的企业。- saber0207 2011.06.28 18:04:29 怪不得现在俄罗斯人越来越多,不过可以感受到和中国有点类似,俄罗斯给我们提供了很好的反面教材嘛。- JohnnyJi. 2011.06.28 17:32:18 你们确信这是俄罗斯?不是中国?- 世界真小 2011.06.28 17:25:59 下一个就会是我们了,其实这篇文章就是要对我们广而告之,不知道我们的领导人看了会怎样,中国人不少,人才也不少,但留不住永远是最大的断层。- 武威 2011.06.28 17:10:23 学生跟老师能不像么,这个真是中国的悲哀,俄国走资本主义道路也搞那一套,大家还是攒钱移民吧- prestochen 2011.06.28 15:31:53 既得利益者舍不得多分点利益给他们创造价值的人。没有舍就没有得。- wainippp 2011.06.28 15:20:18 其实不尽然的,如果你在自己的祖国都混得不好,你以为跑到人生地不熟的异国他乡就能风生水起了? 二、三十岁人别太幼稚了,小心上了理想主义的当。- touchin 2011.06.28 15:15:03 读起来就像在看我们自己的故事- 元宝 2011.06.28 14:23:17 现在30岁,"原先还曾担任俄罗斯卫生部长的顾问",凭什么这么厉害???对这样超强的天才,应该到外星生活去! - 30岁 2011.06.28 14:21:21 我怎么觉得这篇文章是在说我们中国?- 我也不想是中国人 2011.06.28 14:11:53 令雄心勃勃的俄罗斯年轻人感到厌烦的另一个因素是:在俄罗斯,财产所有权没有保障。-------------------------------------- 在中国,房产所有权没有保障,说拆就拆,说违建就充公没收 - 一个模具 2011.06.28 14:04:55 就看普京贪恋权力的那个熊样,俄罗斯就好不了。- afford 2011.06.28 13:50:50 从长远来看,俄国犹太人都回以色列或美国。将来俄国人的血液可能会更加正宗。可以变成真正的俄国。- Jw 2011.06.28 13:31:12 盖兹说,"我们要工作10到20年才能买得起一套公寓,要工作五年才能买得起一辆车。没有升职机会。想要创办自己的企业非常难。每年的贷款利率高达20-30%,整个体制监管得非常严格。最保险的工作是为政府做事,但我已经做过了,不想再做了。"跟中国这么想象 - a260866648 2011.06.28 13:18:15 攻击普京有意思么,再者,这样做只是逃兵一个而已。苏联的解体与你们这些中产阶级-所谓的精英是脱不开关系的。- 欲火重生 2011.06.28 13:17:35 这个不解释……- arg123654789 2011.06.28 13:16:19 间谍本性- Leo__ 2011.06.28 13:09:00 中国已经发生很久了- alexlab 2011.06.28 13:07:48 中国的写照。俄罗斯,中国的好兄弟啊。和中国不一样的是,热价工作10-20年能买套公寓,咱们呢?- joyce0209 2011.06.28 13:02:26 中国的情况比他们还有槽糕- 合肥 2011.06.28 13:02:10 这还不好啊,10年都能买房。。住在天朝的人民泪流满面。。- xiaomaobig 2011.06.28 13:02:01 洗脑的新闻,看多了容易白痴,西方人的民主就是一个旗号,维护自己利益,打击反对者的一个借口而已- 全文 ---------------------- 狗奴才 赏你五毛 别再把老百姓当傻子了 小心掀翻你的船 - 民主 自由 2011.06.28 12:54:58 文 章对于年轻人的移民现象好像太过于夸大。发展中国家的人大多往发展中国家跑,是很正常的形象,中国如此,印度也如此。俄罗斯的问题多,腐败列头条。政府已 经逐步改善,近期已经启动大型国有企业的私有化,减少政府对企业的干预 就是一个信号。俄罗斯的未来是靠在俄罗斯本土历练出来的精英,不是靠未来的海龟。格鲁吉亚现总统,乌克兰前总统就是例证。- Tsinmoscow 2011.06.28 12:50:59 欢 迎移民 toronto, 里最低工资CAD 10。75,每星期40小 =430,每月CAD1,720,俩公婆3,440。CAD1,100租两房公寓,供新?每月CAD300,水电煤 电话上网每月150,汽油200,? 200,伙食690,余下1,000, 备做首期,另外可以加班,兼职找外快,医疗全免,失 有救济金,社会风气 实, 有行贿,联邦政府尊重各族裔,官方语言为英法,中国话为第三, 就是G8中的社会主义国家,上帝保佑CANADA。- cayyz 2011.06.28 12:33:20 呵呵,RU和CN真是哥俩啊。什么事都这么像。。。- yfcReader 2011.06.28 12:24:15 天朝甚至不如俄罗斯- gabriel0212 2011.06.28 12:20:40 "目前,有不少证据表明,很多欧美主流人士已经慢慢接受腐败思维。争取自身利益最大化。这才是人类的悲剧开始。"请详列"不少证据""许多欧美主流人士"和他们"慢慢接受腐败思维"的具体表现,以避免读者胡乱猜测。 - LILY 2011.06.28 12:19:22 这年头,有能力的谁不想移民去西方?- 走吧 2011.06.28 12:03:05 黄油面包加5毛,不能抑制人们向往自由的渴望。- 祖国对自己人最狠 2011.06.28 12:02:57 怎么说的跟我们国家情况一样呢?- 生不如死 2011.06.28 12:02:55 同样也是中国的情况吧- 从v 2011.06.28 11:57:39 对天朝子民来说,目前是移民俄罗斯的好机会。- mikyliu 2011.06.28 11:55:31 感觉在说中国啊- 赵冰峰 2011.06.28 11:54:58 羡慕俄罗斯啊,10到20年就能买得起一套公寓,五年就买得起一辆车。我们啊,买了房子,一辈都不想过安逸的生活了,等还完了房贷,人估计已到西天报道了,还买车,下辈子吧。 - tj_bear 2011.06.28 11:40:21 洗脑的新闻,看多了容易白痴,西方人的民主就是一个旗号,维护自己利益,打击反对者的一个借口而已- 全文 2011.06.28 11:38:32 西方的民主凡是反对他们的都会被诬蔑为不民主,而他们的盟友即使是独裁君主制也会被无视,世界上从来没有什么普世价值,只有永远的国家利益和民族利益- 撒 2011.06.28 11:23:44 中国的有富有阶层,也应该携资金离开中国,就像每年外逃的那一万多官员一样,这才是正确的选择。- stone51606 2011.06.28 11:16:25 少了中产阶级,当一无所有的无产者与享尽所有的腐败者面对面时,暴力将不可避免。胜者将决定世界的走向。俄罗斯的腐败仅仅是自身的问题,最可怕的是输出腐败。目前,有不少证据表明,很多欧美主流人士已经慢慢接受腐败思维。争取自身利益最大化。这才是人类的悲剧开始。- 720505 2011.06.28 11:06:21 俄女人来中国,嫁给中国男人。- 123456 人傻成这个样是你无敌了,俄罗斯女人宁可投奔万恶的资本主意社会,她们哪里会升上幸福无比的社会主义天堂呢? - ericmartin 2011.06.28 11:01:00 怎么看都像是在说大陆中国看来西方价值观的自由、民主、平等才是人类共同追求理想的"共产主义"!!- 秦民 2011.06.28 10:59:52 人才流失的速度我们是第二没人敢认第一!!- lqplay 2011.06.28 10:55:35 中国的现状能好到那- lundi2000 2011.06.28 10:49:53 权利被无限放大,而法律是这些权利的傀儡,都过了,当然,建党伟业中有几个是中国国籍,你懂得- zyxronaldo 2011.06.28 10:46:57 中国的现状又如何呢? 有过之 无不及吧- xiaso 2011.06.28 10:45:42 怎么感觉好像是在说俄罗斯?因为我看到的是中文哦。- 121564350 2011.06.28 10:45:31 说得好,太像啦!- 较粗 2011.06.28 10:39:56 俄罗斯一直是中国未来的镜子,从苏联时期开始。中国未来的50年弄好了,也就是普京治下俄罗斯的这个样子。- johncusack 2011.06.28 10:33:51 此乃天赐良 ,望天王趁此一举收 海参威,以荡我天朝之耻。- 路过不能错过 2011.06.28 10:31:35 已出逃的前基国P民路过~~~- silverseraph 2011.06.28 10:29:15 把俄罗斯改成天朝照样能看- zhanjian0229 2011.06.28 10:28:12 俄罗斯人想离开祖国,天朝人民就笑了- zz 2011.06.28 10:16:35 西方媒体总是攻击俄罗斯,因为他们有一个维护自己民族的战士--普京。- 审美观 2011.06.28 10:15:01 屁股决定地位,人才得不到重用。资本主义的基石是法律,而封建主义的基石是权力。其实是一个意思。- lishengde 2011.06.28 10:09:08 Sounds like Imperial China Hope our government do some thing to attract such talents - William Chan 2011.06.28 10:08:03 中国也是呀,那些有本事,年有很高学问的精英大都跑出去了- 达到 2011.06.28 10:04:28 有机会我也想离开- ly8201 2011.06.28 09:59:12 腐败无能的俄罗斯啊- eryewy 2011.06.28 09:51:40 我们要工作10到20年才能买得起一套公寓,要工作五年才能买得起一辆车。在中国工作一辈子也不一定买的起房子!买的起车真的 俄罗斯真的很好了! 你到中国来生活个及年你就知道俄罗斯有多好了! - zranhs 2011.06.28 09:48:50 俄罗斯还是不行啊,改来改去还是和天朝一个样子嘛。看来没有真正的民主和自由什么问题也解决不了,充其量就是一个权贵资本主义加黑帮。难怪俄罗斯还是被归类成 罪犯国家和警察国家。- uiweuooew 2011.06.28 09:46:56 我咋有种感觉像是在说天朝呢?- wangyi1132 2011.06.28 09:44:46 华尔街日报真有幽默感,这篇报道是什么意思呢?借喻?- wenqiang68 2011.06.28 09:42:07 汝虽打草,吾已惊蛇- xzzgd 2011.06.28 09:39:18 梅氏已经在向普京动手了- 沉默 2011.06.28 09:36:59 让俄女人来中国,嫁给中国男人。- 123456 2011.06.28 09:34:52 我们要工作10到20年才能买得起一套公寓,要工作五年才能买得起一辆车。--------------------------------- 这里是多么的幸福啊,在中国,你即使工作一辈子如果没有老爸老妈们的支持,都还不知能否买得起一套房。而且车房你只能选其一,买了房,你一辈子基本完蛋了,天天背着银行的贷款过日子。 - gzhoney 2011.06.28 09:21:44 资本主义大农村和俺们社会主义大农村是何其的相似啊,老哥俩关系就是铁。- sing 2011.06.28 09:16:33 为何中国的有钱人也要离开祖国???????- 啥是民主 2011.06.28 09:11:58 站在中国角度看俄罗斯问题并不严重,站在中国视野看中国觉得问题很严重。- fenglanliuyu 2011.06.28 09:04:10 都是封建主义,哪有资本主义。资本主义的基石是法律,而封建主义的基石是权力。- gdp 2011.06.28 09:02:33 如此的相似的两个国家。。。。。。- giegie2011 2011.06.28 09:01:16 相似啊- OECD 2011.06.28 08:59:28 看来这个是通病- feilanghao 2011.06.28 08:57:29 把"俄罗斯"替换成另二个字,本文也同样适用。- 我是五毛 2011.06.28 08:54:49 与天朝岂止是相似,简直就是在克隆,或者说是克隆中的克隆!- 锈迹斑斑 2011.06.28 08:51:28 这其实有利于缓解俄罗斯居高不下的通胀压力。- jj 2011.06.28 08:43:50 作为中国人,心有戚戚焉- 六一居士 2011.06.28 08:42:04 我说那个谁 这还压力大啊盖兹说,"我们要工作10到20年才能买得起一套公寓,要工作五年才能买得起一辆车。没有升职机会。想要创办自己的企业非常难。每年的贷款利率高达20-30%,整个体制监管得非常严格。最保险的工作是为政府做事,但我已经做过了,不想再做了。" - zz 2011.06.28 08:39:41 伟大的共产主义- ccfk 2011.06.28 08:31:15 哪 里都一样,只不过是程度的问题。美国难道不是一小撮最有钱的人在统治?美国那帮too big to fail的公司不跟国家资本主义差不多吗?人都是一样的,觉得这里不好,幻想着国外就是一片天堂。问题是东山老虎咬人,西山老虎也咬人。与其逃避,不如努 力地在祖国争取自己的未来,不光为自己,也为自己的下一代- 鲜肉小笼 2011.06.28 08:20:30 呀,这和天朝如此的相像- 真没注意到 2011.06.28 08:20:03 中国情况更加严重- ooxx 2011.06.28 08:20:02 中国也是这样的情况,屁股决定地位,人才得不到重用。只有少部分人享受到国歌提供的社会福利,贫富差距扩大,不是我们不爱国,但国家让我如何来爱你- bcta1 2011.06.28 08:12:16 除了最后一句,都可以直接把RU换成CN- Censorship 2011.06.28 08:11:22 向往自由是人类的共性。- pyy888 2011.06.28 08:10:42 这不是和中国现在的状况一样么!- YS Why Are They Leaving? 2011年 06月 28日 07:42Konstantin Gaaze is a bright young Russian. The 30-year-old is the political editor of Moskovskie Novosti, a leading daily newspaper, and was previously an adviser to the minister of health. He is a political insider who should have a bright future ahead of him in Russia's booming economy. Instead, Mr. Gaaze is preparing to leave. 'I'm thinking about moving to Israel,' he says. 'It's a question of economic opportunities. The system of state capitalism that has grown up here exterminates the social elevator for young educated people.' Unfortunately, Mr. Gaaze's story is far from unique. More and more young, educated Russians are talking about leaving Russia, to live in the U.S., Europe, Israel, Asia, or Latin America. The reasons are myriad: Whether it is the difficulty of setting up a business in Russia, the dearth of political freedoms, poor education or simply better jobs abroad, Russia's talent exodus is gaining momentum. 'We're expected to work 10 to 20 years to buy a flat, or five years to buy a car,' says Mr. Gaaze. 'There are no chances for promotion. It's very hard to set up your own business. Loans cost 20% to 30% a year, and the system is very regulated. The most secure job is to work for the government. But I've done that, and don't want to do it anymore.' The political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin caught the mood among the middle classes with a widely-quoted story in independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta in April. He claimed Russia was in the middle of another wave of emigration to rival that which occurred after the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917. What is disturbing, according to Mr. Oreshkin, is that it is the 'strongest and most gifted people' who are leaving Russia, because they feel they have no place in the state capitalist model constructed by prime minister Vladimir Putin over the last decade. In an online poll of 7,237 Novaya Gazeta readers, 62.5% said they were considering leaving because of discontent with the economic and political regime. Surveys by the Levada Center, an independent research institute in Moscow, find a similar broad trend. The percentage of respondents who were thinking about living abroad rose from 42% at the beginning of Mr. Putin's presidency to 44% in 2009, despite the rise in living standards during that period. The vast majority of those who admitted wanting to leave were under 35 years old, lived in a major city, and spoke a foreign language. While only making up a small percentage of Russia's total population, this demographic also represents the country's economic, political and cultural future. 'Emigration is growing,' says Gleb Kuznetsov, a 33-year-old political analyst and former campaign manager for ruling party United Russia. 'The reason for it is open borders and psychological fatigue caused by the state, which is expressed in disbelief that the system is able to change and become more human. No one believes in the 'bright future' anymore, not the opposition, or even people working for the state.' Mr. Kuznetsov says that it is widely believed, among Russia's young middle-class, that it is easier to establish a business and realize their ambitions abroad. 'My friend, a young businessman, sold his business in the Russian Far East and moved to Venezuela. In his opinion, there are more opportunities to develop there, and the system, although no less corrupt, is more predictable and open than in his motherland.' Media Control According to the Levada Center, while the most common reason people gave for considering emigration in 2002 was financial, by 2009, just as common a reason for leaving was socio-cultural. Some educated Russians feel alienated, for example, by the state's control of television news, film, even the pop music scene. Natalia Rostova is the 32-year-old media correspondent at Slon.ru and a respected commentator on Russian media. She says that many of her friends and fellow journalists are thinking of leaving: 'The state controls the television news, which never criticizes Putin or [Dmitry] Medvedev. Most Russians believe it when the television says the West is our enemy, and that Putin saved Russia from the old oligarchs. They don't know about the new oligarchs. It's hard to see how things will change.' While the state's control of the media is a turn-off for the 25% to 30% of the population who don't actively support United Russia, a bigger incentive to leave is the poor quality of life in Russia. 'It costs so much to set up a business here, and takes so much effort, compared to abroad,' says Mr. Gaaze. 'And family life is harder here. The healthcare system has been ruined. It's very difficult to find a place in schools or nurseries. People are waiting for months in Moscow.' Better-off Russians are increasingly looking to western education for their children. 'Educating your children in the West used to be a fashion', says Dasha, who runs a tutoring agency in London that prepares Russian children for Western private schools. 'Now it's seen as a necessity. The Russian education system is close to collapse. Everything can be bought, from school places to university degrees. But, particularly after the economic crisis of 2008-2009, rich Russians see it as their duty to give their children the option of living and working abroad.' Another turn-off for ambitious young Russians is the insecurity of property rights in Russia. London is full of Russian business people who had to jump on the next British Airways flight when they or their political patron fell out of favor with the state. 'The relationship between the political class and the entrepreneurial class remains uneasy', says Sebastian Lawson, Moscow-based corporate partner of law firm Freshfields. 'If you get out of favor or lose your political patronage, you have to leave quickly and could lose your business.' The rising role of state-owned banks also increases the risk of a state takeover, says Mr. Lawson: 'The economic crisis led to a bigger and more political role for state-owned banks. They are the biggest lenders, and if they decide you've broken your loan covenant, they can take your business.' Reforming State The Kremlin, however, is aware of many of the problems that are encouraging the country's educated young elite to abandon ship. Some reformers appear to be trying to create a less state-controlled and more entrepreneurial economy. Mr. Medvedev has tried to position himself as the representative of the educated middle-classes, and made a speech in April that outlined a bold course for modernizing the economy and reducing the role of the state within it. 'What was interesting is that the program had a timetable,' says Marcus Svedberg, chief economist at East Capital, the oldest and most successful fund manager investing in Russia. 'He said he wanted to cut down the number of state bureaucrats on the board of state companies, and within a few days, Igor Sechin, one of the most powerful of the Siloviki [members of the security services] had stepped down from the board of Rosneft. Things change slowly in Russia, but I think they are changing.' The government also launched a high profile business school and deregulated economic zone, called Skolkovo, to raise new entrepreneurs and attract back those who have already left the country. 'I understand that the main aim of Skolkovo is to persuade entrepreneurs and IT specialists not to leave Russia,' says Mr. Gaaze. Whoever becomes president in 2012, the same small group of politicians and security service officers will still be running Russia, according to many of the young, educated Russians interviewed by the Wall Street Journal Europe. 'This is the key challenge for the government,' says Mr. Kuznetsov. 'Will people who have been holding their positions for a dozen years be able to open access for others, or will we reproduce the Brezhnev model of gerontocracy? By the end of the next presidential term, Putin will be 65, and will have been in power for 20 years. All the key figures of the regime will be over 50. If nothing changes in the staff policy of Putin's elite, then the closest comparison for Russia in 2018 will be Tunisia or Egypt in 2011.' (Mr. Evans is a freelance journalist and former Moscow business correspondent for the Times. He can be reached at reports@wsj.com) JULIAN EVANS |
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